Hurray for the Anti-Poverty Committee

As we wend our way into week 6 of the Civic Workers strike in Vancouver, the Anti-Poverty Committee (APC) has struck a blow for the average Vancouverite. They dumped garbage in front of Mayor Sam Sullivan’s condo building in upscale Yaletown. It is about time that this strike actually start to impact His Worship’s life. After all, he continues to collect a pay cheque while the hard-working women and men of Cupe walk the picket line.

It makes no sense why Vancouver has been so intractable in reaching a settlement with its Civic Workers. Other municipalities have been able to make deals with their unions. One can only conclude that it is the direct involvement of the Mayor who has exacerbated this situation. So now we have Sam’s strike.

At least there is some hope that the City is starting to move and is offerring the same deals that have been reached in other municipalities. One can only hope that cooler heads will prevail and Cupe will seriously look at the offer.

What can the ordinary person do to help bring an end to the strike? Here are some suggestions:
1. Support the Cupe workers on the picket line. Honk, wave show your support. Morale is flagging and they need all the support they can get.
2. Contact city council and the city managers who are responsible for this mess.
3. Talk to your neighbours, friends and co-workers and enlist their help in contacting the city to get this resolved.

Let’s hope that we do indeed have labour peace by Labour Day.