Music from the Swamp – the ‘I like to sing’ edition

Today I thought I would feature some songs that are fabulous for singing along. When I am singing along to a song that hits the right chord for me, I am probably at my most ‘zen.’ Everything feels right and my mind is focused only on the music. The songs change over time so here are some of my current favourites:

Counting Crows – Anna Begins

John Stewart & Stevie Nicks – Gold

This is a very old song. I remember hearing it for the first time when I was about 14 years old. It took years to find it again as all I could remember were the opening lyrics.

Eagles – The Last Resort

Tori Amos – Witness

I couldn’t find the original song. If you are interested it is on her Beekeeper album which is one of my favourites.

The Decemberists – June Hymn

More in the Music from the Swamp Series: The David Francey Edition, The Decemberists Edition, The Warren Zevon Edition, The Playlist Edition

Music from The Swamp – the ‘Decemberists’ edition

I started listening to the Decemberists recently. Although I kept meaning to check them out, I never seemed to get around to it until Wandering Coyote introduced me to them. I have to confess that I don’t like all of their stuff – sometimes I find it is too loud and busy for me. However, there are songs that I absolutely adore. In no particular order here are a few I would recommend checking out:

Followed closely by June Hymn

The Crane Wife 3 is my absolute favourite! I love how it builds.

Foregone is another one of my favourites:

Now I am holding out for the live album due to be released on March 13th!