I cannot believe it is the day before I am going to die. I am relieved because things are getting harder but it is going to be so hard to say goodbye to my chosen family. For someone who has had four sets of parents, one set of step-parents and two ½ brothers, I have no traditional family. My chosen family more than takes up the slack.

I’ve been reflecting on my death for the last couple of months. Deb asked me if I was scared and I am not, at all. MAiD has done such a great job explaining the process there is nothing to fear.

I don’t really have much to say that I haven’t already said. Ultimately, if I had a choice, I would choose to have a treatable breast cancer. Unfortunately, that was not to be my fate. I entered the game being many points behind with only a minute to go. I used up my time and I wasn’t able to score all the points. 

I want to thank everyone for all the help – whether it was over the summer, bringing us food etc. It has all been immensely appreciated. Thank you.

And, I think that’s it. Unless something else comes up.january 6, 2019

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